11 Years Working In Your Community

11 Years Working In Your Community
Scottish Socialist Party Website

Sunday, 7 March 2010

West Lothian Branch manifesto

West Lothian Branch of the

Why we are Socialists

We are socialists because we want to change the current capitalist system based on exploitation of the people to a socialist system based on equality that satisfies social need rather than private greed. In power we would set about taking control of the banks insurance companies and the major industries and putting them in the hands of the ordinary man and women in the street via the socialist party. We would strive to remove poverty injustice and war. Lofty ideals they maybe but achievable goals they are given the support and mass participation of the working class.

No2nato anti war demo, Edinburgh

As socialists we wish to see everyone being give the opportunity to fulfil there true potential as human beings and not having to spend their lives as wage slaves in the capitalist system. We wonder how many great musicians’ skilled doctors’ great scientists and engineers there may have been amongst children of the working class families who for economic reasons were forced to take low paid jobs to augment family income.

We socialists believe that every human being has the right to fulfil their true potential and we will strive with every breath in our body to create a society that will give them this opportunity.

Your vote for the Socialist party will put us firmly on the long road to achieving this goal and we are reminded of a famous Chinese saying “even the longest journey starts with the first step”.

What we stand for

The current first past the post method of election used in the current Westminster election is not democratic in that hundred of thousands of people cast their vote but have no representation in parliament. We would favour a full proportional representation that gives maximum representation to the votes cast.

The aim of the Socialist party is to achieve full employment of the working population of the country in order to achieve this we would establish an economic system that was tailored to suit the needs of the population and was not subjected to the whims of the market economy.

To achieve major improvements in our health and education system we would divert the massive sums of money currently being spent on wars and weapons of mass destruction this would enable us to increase the numbers of teaching staff improve the quality of the teaching staff build new schools and refurbish existing schools without them being saddled with the current PFI system. We would build more and better hospitals higher more nursing staff, doctors, surgeons, consultants and ancillary staff.

By providing full employment we would ensure that each household has a decent living wage and also benefits from a social wage e.g. free public transport, free school meals. Its establish fact that household poverty leads to domestic violence and in many cases child abuse.

We would remove all American bases from this country and we would begin a policy of removing and destroying our nuclear arsenal,

We believe that Britain has the potential give the proper investment and commitment to satisfy our energy need from renewable resources within a relatively short period of time a short period of time. There would be no further construction of nuclear and fossil fuelled power stations.

We would embark on a well invested sports policy involving school children of all ages that would result in an increase in professional and amateur sportsman and woman which would also directlybenefit our nation’s health. In order to promote our culture and arts at both home and abroad we would invest in opportunity and facilities to cater for our needs.

12 point plan from the Scottish Socialist Party ,We want Scotland's wealth shared out equally

The rich will pay higher taxes

Our public services, including oil, fuel and transport, will be publicly owned

Our minimum wage right now would be £8 an hour

Wages, benefits and pensions will rise by £50 a week, across the board

All school children will receive free school meals

Supermarket prices will be frozen

Women will get equal pay for equal work

Young people will get the same national minimum wage as everyone else

Nuclear weapons will be banned from Scottish territory

The council tax will be scrapped in favour of a local tax where the rich pay their fair share

Free public transport will be brought in to ease congestion, pollution and global warming

Our troops will be brought home from the killing fields of Iraq and Afghanistan 
West Lothian branch members

The West Lothian Branch

The West Lothian branch of the Scottish Socialist Party was formed in 2001. We have been active locally and nationally fighting such campaigns as;

Against the five pounds increase on council rent
The gradual privatisation of our postal service
Current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
The downgrading of St Johns hospital Livingston

We have fought vigorously in West Lothian supporting the following bills that we put to the Scottish Parliament

Replacing the Council Tax with the Scottish Service Tax
Introducing free school meals for all pupils
Scrapping Prescription charges.

We have championed free public transport during the last Holyrood election as a means of alleviating poverty and reducing Scotland’s carbon emissions.

Over the past nine years the branches local activities have amongst other thing covered the following
Weekly stalls throughout West Lothian campaigning on the above issues and many others.
Having letters printed in the local press
Written to people who have signed our various petitions updating them on the respective issues
We held numerous public meeting throughout West Lothian covering a variety of issues.
Delivered our quarterly newsletter throughout West Lothian which generated interest in the party resulting in an increase of party membership.

This is a short manifesto created by the West Lothian branch of the Scottish Socialist party to provide an insight into what the party stands for.

By voting SSP you will add strength to the current groundswell of opposition to the main capitalist parties. This struggle will only be successful when people like you become involved making change possible. The SSP can only provide guidance and leadership but we require mass support from the Scottish / British working class.

The best way for you to determine whether we are worth supporting is to meet people from the party or come along to a branch meeting to meet party members with similar views and discuss the various issues you have. Alternatively if you would like further information on the party details on how to contact the branch are detailed below.

To find out more about the West Lothian Scottish Socialist Party
E-mail us at:

1 comment:

  1. I think you will find that the West Lothian branch of the SSP was set up in 1999!
