11 Years Working In Your Community

11 Years Working In Your Community
Scottish Socialist Party Website

Tuesday 2 February 2010

West Lothian SSP confirm election '10 candidate

West Lothian Scottish Socialist Party


For immediate use – Date 31st January 2010

Ally Hendry Selected To Contest The Livingston Constituency At The 2010 Westminster Election

Following a branch selection meeting held in Whitburn Community Centre on Monday 25-1-2010 Ally was selected as the West Lothian Scottish Socialist Party candidate. Having previously stood in the 2005 Westminster election Ally said he felt proud and honoured that the branch nominated him.

Ally is a local lad from a socialist background who has lived in West Lothian all his life and has campaigned in the constituency on many issues since joining the party in 2003. He looks forward to raising pertinent issues in the forthcoming election campaign with members of the public who are being ignored and betrayed by the incumbent New Labour government.

Our country has been led into immoral wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and like everybody else “I listen to daily reports of our troops being killed in a war opposed by 70% of the British population”.

Domestically the banking crisis has brought about the near collapse of the capitalist system and it has only survived due to the government pumping in billion of pounds of tax payer’s money. This at a time when hundred of thousands of people are losing their jobs, homes, savings and pensions and yet the banks still see fit to payout unwarranted and obscene bonuses. Ally says the task of the Scottish Socialist Party is to bring these bankers to account and to reverse the damaging effects their actions have had on the British working people.

He would also remind people that the scandal of the MP’s expenses is still ongoing despite the politician’s efforts to play the matter down and have it removed from the front page of the daily press.

Over the past few years we have witnessed the services at Saint Johns hospital being cut and slashed to the point where lives are being put at risk. Ally was personally involved in the campaign to save S.t Johns at all levels from street demonstrations public meetings, letters to the local press, raising petitions and was a member of the initial steering group. He says “I was totally disgusted at the way the whole issue was handled because the consultation process was a sham and the Labour government via the mouthpiece of the Lothian health board had already taken the irreversible decision to downgrade the hospital and were only paying lip service to public opinion”.

The above issues are only a sample of the problems facing the ordinary British man and women. The Scottish Socialist Party along with Ally Hendry will be on the streets of West Lothian from now until the general election putting forward the Socialist alternative to the capitalist policies of the current government. As part of the campaign a public meeting will be held on the 23rd of February in the St James Young high school at 7pm with Ally Hendry and Colin Fox speaking on a wide range of issues.

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