CND campaigns non-violently to rid the world of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and to create genuine security for future generations.
CND opposes all nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction: their development, manufacture, testing, deployment and use or threatened use by any country.
No to Trident
Trident is Britain's nuclear weapon system. It consists of four nuclear-armed submarines, one of which is on operational patrol, under the seas, at all times. Each Trident submarine carries up to 48 nuclear warheads, each of which can be sent to a different target. Each warhead has an explosive power of up to 100 kilotons, the equivalent of 100,000 tons of conventional high explosive. This is 8 times the power of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945, killing an estimated 140,000 people.
Global abolition of nuclear arms
Today there are nearly 24,000 nuclear weapons in the world (around 8,400 of which are operational, the rest stockpiled). The majority are held by the United States and Russia. Other countries: the UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and possibly North Korea, are also nuclear-armed. Many of the nuclear weapons held around the world have hundreds of times more explosive power than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 which completely destroyed the city and killed around 140,000 people.
No to the "Star Wars" programme
US Missile Defence, often known as ‘Star Wars’, is part of the United States' strategy for global military dominance. They call it a 'defensive system', but having withdrawn from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in order to develop the system, it will in reality enable the US to attack other countries without fear of retaliation.
"The War on Terror"
Since 2001, CND has opposed the US's so-called 'war on terror'. CND’s 2001 Annual Conference took place just a few days after the terrible atrocities of September 11th and the conference was overwhelmingly united in condemning the terrorism, but also in condemning state terrorism too. CND's view was that the criminals who perpetrated the crime should be brought to justice, but we completely opposed plans to launch a military attack on Afghanistan in response. The deaths of thousands of innocent Afghani civilians was not a just solution.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military alliance of 26 countries from North America (Canada and the US) and Europe (24 states, including the UK). The alliance was formed in 1949, with member states Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom, United States. In the 1950s Greece, Turkey and West Germany joined. Spain joined in 1982. Two waves of NATO expansion happened after the Cold War with Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland joining in 1999, and Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia joining in 2004. Read our briefing on NATO expansion and the destabilisation it is causing.
CND on nuclear power
The truth about nuclear power!
Government spin doctors and the nuclear industry have been working overtime to repackage nuclear power as a green solution to climate change. They want to build new nuclear power stations, but they know we won’t want them if we know the reality – nuclear power is dirty and dangerous and not the answer to climate change
The problems of depleted uranium
Depleted Uranium!
Depleted Uranium (DU) is a chemically toxic and radioactive, heavy metal which is produced as a by-product of the enrichment of uranium for civil nuclear power programmes. It is used in armour-piercing munitions because of its very high density; DU is 1.7 times denser than lead, giving DU weapons increased range and penetrative power.
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