11 Years Working In Your Community

11 Years Working In Your Community
Scottish Socialist Party Website

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Letter sent to local media on prescription charges.

Scottish Socialist Party national spokesman Colin Fox today
welcomed the abolition of Prescription Charges in Scotland after 50
years and insisted it would not have happened without the SSP.

After his election to Holyrood in 2003, SSP MSP Colin Fox launched a
Private Members Bill to to scrap prescription charges.
He told us
'The SSP's Bill won the backing of hundreds of health groups, unions,
and patients groups across the country and even the Scottish Parliament's
own Health Committee. But it was voted down by an unholy
alliance of Labour, Lib Dem and Tory MSPs. Otherwise this double tax
on the sick would have become law 6 years ago.

'I am delighted nonetheless that at last our visionary idea has been realised
and that a great injustice has been eradicated. The NHS promised back in
1947, rightly, to provide healthcare free at the point of need and paid out
of general taxation. But prescription charges broke that promise to patients.
Without our Bill, and the SNP Governments decision to pick it up,
prescription charges would be £7.40 per item today as they are in England.

Ally Hendry (List candidate for the Lothian region) added

Colinf Fox and Ally Hendry.
'This achievement shows the people of Scotland what a difference SSP MSPs
at Holyrood makes to their lives and in particular to those of the low paid, sick
and vulnerable. I urge people to remember this on May 5th.

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